Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, is a delightful destination that combines a rich tourist offering with a vibrant SaaS scene. The city boasts a unique blend of historical architecture, cultural landmarks, and cutting-edge technological innovations.
You can explore the Stone Gate, a symbol of the city, and admire the stunning cathedral that dominates Zagreb’s skyline. The SaaS world is also thriving in Zagreb. The city hosts various technology companies and start-ups that offer innovative solutions in the field of software as a service. Zagreb has become a hub for tech entrepreneurship, attracting young professionals from around the globe but also offers excellent infrastructure and business amenities for the sector.
Ready to tackle one of the biggest questions facing companies today? Should you bootstrap your way to success or secure venture capital to fuel rapid growth in 2025?
Join us as we break down the advantages and challenges of both paths, helping you navigate the best course for your business. Whether you’re leaning towards independence or eyeing investment, this meetup will arm you with the insights you need to make an informed decision.
🕡 SaaStanak #15 Agenda
• 6:00 – start of meetup & last call to take your seat at meetup
• 6:15 – Dirk Sahlmer – quick wrap-up of the topic “How to Exit Your SaaS” summarizing key insights shared at SaaStanak 2024 on potential exit channels, founder preparation, and valuation techniques.
• 6:30 – start of panel
*Panel will be held in English.
🍕 Snacks and drinks will be provided.
📢 To secure your spot – RSVP to the event. See you there!